Tuesday, December 28, 2010

~"Miss You 2010"~

For all the love you gave me this year,
That made me forget the pain & fear;
You taught me to tackle problems every now & then,
That's how a person should live till the end.

Met many people throughout the year,
A lot of them made my day special ever;
Found all my lost friends again,
I miss you 2010.

My future depends on the way I live,
Will remember all those learnt by you;
Get set to go and rock the stage again,
Will remember you throughout my life's lane.

Time to thank you at the end of the year,
For all the lovely memories you left for me here;
In the future I will surely need you again,
I miss you 2010 .


  1. ...Good one...suprr talented... keep up d good work bro... waitinn to see many more poems in 2011...

    God bless u...all d best...cheers...!!!!

  2. hey amiee really awesome poem yaar this one is the best of all you have writen yet

  3. not bad not bad...... m kinda impressed!!!!

  4. so immy....trying hand on poem :) :) :)....very well written....
